The story of AuREUM BEAUTY began more than 10 years ago when I was wrestling with dandruff and the health of my hair. I began researching how to strengthen it, make it longer, and regain luster but after further investigation; I learned a sobering reality. Many if not most people don’t actually know what they put in their hair. The unfortunate truth that companies aren’t always transparent with the chemicals they use or the testing they perform result in many products helping one area of the body but hurting another. Once I actually read the fine print on mainstream products; I found that many of the hard to pronounce ingredients were not just harmful to the body but were also made in non-sustainable factories and were harmful to the environment itself.


Having a mother who is well versed in holistic and natural remedies, I began to experiment with natural ingredients under her guidance and ever-watchful eye. Our starting place was where nature left off, with natural, cruelty-free methods and organic ingredients wherever possible.

What you are experiencing when you use AuREUM BEAUTY products, is the result of a decade filled with tireless research, endless iterations and stringent testing yielding an elixir that has my family’s personal guarantee.

We believe that better products start with better ingredients, which is why being honest and transparent is our core focus when communicating everything that goes into this handcrafted product.


Although the story has a happy ending, the journey hasn’t always been easy. There’s been multiple points when AuREUM BEAUTY’s chance of commercialization was slim to none. With my personal struggle surrounding mental health and the loss of loved ones close to the project; I felt overwhelmed and alone. With the support and encouragement of remaining family and friends however, I poured myself into completing the recipe in their honor. My Uncle, a pillar in my entrepreneurial journey lives on in my attitude and purpose while my grandmother; the inspiration for AuREUM itself inspires me to push myself every day.


The name AuREUM is also inspired by my Grandmother. Wanting to build something that honored her and the rest of my family, I translated her last name, Golden into her favorite language; Latin. The native word “Aureum” was beautiful and perfect; like her, and like her memory; it graces every label and embodies our standard of quality. At all the low points of my life, my family and closest friends were there to encourage and support me. Subsequently, it was fitting that when I was at my darkest point, working on AuREUM BEAUTY in their honor gave me the strength to continue. Each bottle we prepare, reminds me of her, and every hand packaged product we send, is an invitation to you to be part of that legacy.

One of the primary values of AuREUM BEAUTY is restoration. Each product focuses on restoring the body’s natural health, making it new again. As both the face of a brand and a person, this message resonates with me as I consider my life. The hardships I’ve experienced have left scratches and marks, scars and stories but through God’s power in my life, the broken pieces have been renewed and I was made whole again.

2 Corinthians 5:17 states, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” In the art world this is called Kinstugi. This traditional Japanese form of restoration uses a precious metal, typically Gold, to bring together broken pieces of pottery. This revitalizing something old and broken into a new and precious token of intentional healing restores it with new life, using gold as a conduit.

When we choose sustainability whether in our minds or our products, we don’t just commit to an all-natural, eco-friendly, and cruelty-free world; we create one, together.

As a further way to honor my Grandmother, Uncle, universal health and represent the Kinstugi of my life, 10% of the proceeds of AuREUM BEAUTY goes to KNOWN Ministries, a non-profit organization that focuses on building up and restoring women.

In supporting our ethically inclined products your purchase changes lives as all informed decisions do and for that; I can’t thank you enough.


In health,

Amy Acero